As the nation’s premier Online Reward Mall developer, VIRs focus is on helping its clients develop profitable long-term customer relationships. Proven, scalable technology, with advanced features and functionality, allows VIR’s clients to build strong customer loyalty programs, sophisticated employee benefits incentives and comprehensive fundraising tools for non-profit organizations of all sizes.
"VIR built for us a custom mall several years ago and we are very satisfied with the service and support we have received. VIR has always been courteous, quick and efficient. Even more importantly, we have received hundreds of testimonials from our members stating how happy they are with our mall and their savings! I have personally saved thousands of dollar on computers, a big screen TV, a coffee maker, watches, clothes and a microwave ... to name a few.
Our VIR Shopping Mall is a money saver, time saver, and can be a money maker. I highly recommend VIR."